

Gast-Beitrag: Wer brennt?

Vor zwei Tagen ertranken fast 900 Menschen im Mittelmeer. Diese Katastrophe ereignete sich wenige Tage nachdem ein anderes Flüchtlingsboot mit 400 Migranten gekentert war. Dr Olga Gulina, CEO & Gründerin of RUSMPI überdenkt die Balance zwischen Moral, dem Recht auf Leben und dem Interesse eines Staates seine Grenzen zu schützen. (Photo: Noborder Network / / CC BY 2.0)

© Chairman-of-the-Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff flickr

Syria: Why the 2003 invasion of Iraq is the blueprint for intervention (auf Englisch)

Did the 2003 invasion of Iraq change the way humanitarian interventions can occur? Yan St-Pierre argues that the Iraqi case set the precedent that enables a U.S. led military operation in Syria. (Photo: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff / / CC BY 2.0)


UPDATE: Erdogan’s mistake (auf Englisch)

After another night in which police forces cleared Gezi Park, hundreds of demonstrators have returned to „stand ground“. This morning, the Turkish Prime Minister issued a „last warning“ to protesters to leave Gezi Park, otherwise he would „clean“ the park of „terrorists“ within 24 hours. (Photo: resim77 / / CC BY 2.0)


Erdogan’s Mistake (auf Englisch)

When the Gezi Park protests began in Istanbul on 30 May, it was difficult to foresee that this would be the spark for something much bigger and much more virulent. When the police cracked down on protesters on May 31, many analysts, bearing in mind the history of Turkish police operations, did not expect such resistance from demonstrators and anticipated „business as usual“.