The Passau section of the Bundesverband für Sicherheitspolitik an Hochschulen (BSH) invited former Mali Minister of Interior and of Defence, his Excellency Soumeylou Maiga, to discuss the security situation in Mali (video in French & German online)
N24 hat Yan St-Pierre zur Geiselnahme in Bamako, Mali interviewt. Der Moderator fragte, ob die Geiselnahme eine Gegenreaktion auf die terroristischen Anschläge in Paris sei.
Did the 2003 invasion of Iraq change the way humanitarian interventions can occur? Yan St-Pierre argues that the Iraqi case set the precedent that enables a U.S. led military operation in Syria. (Photo: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff / / CC BY 2.0)
This posts examines the novelty of the uprisings that occur since 2011 and how those in Turkey and Brazil fit and validate those trends. (Photo: newsonline / / CC BY 2.0)