

Death of a Peace Mediator: United Nations 1945-2016

I can already see the eyes of numerous readers roll up: Another text claiming the demise of the United Nations Organisation. This one is quite different however as it deals with the UN in a different way, namely the organisation’s role as a platform for peace and dialogue. (Photo: Jordi Bernabeu Farrús / / CC BY 2.0)


N24: Interview mit Yan St-Pierre über die Debatte um den Schutz vor Terroristen

Der deutsche Nachrichtensender N24 hat Yan St-Pierre zur Debatte um den Schutz vor Terroristen interviewt und gefragt, was die internationale Gemeinschaft tun kann.


Decrypting the Syrian War and its International Complexities – Part II

In part II of this blog post, Yan St-Pierre discusses regional actors, the EU & USA’s lack of response and how this benefits ISIS. (Photo: Global Panorama, Image courtesy Pete Souza / / CC BY 2.0)


Decrypting the Syrian War and its International Complexities – Part I

In this 2-part post, Yan St-Pierre explains the ramifications of the Russian involvement in Syria and its impact on the international community, beginning with U.S. loss of credibility & Russia’s opportunism. (Photo: Global Panorama, Image courtesy Pete Souza / / CC BY 2.0)