

Newstalk ZB: UK questions why terrorist was released from prison early

Mike Hosking, from New Zealand radio station Newstalk ZB, talked to Yan St-Pierre about the possible consequences of early release for terrorists following London Bridge attack.


Newstalk ZB: Three striking things about Trump’s al-Baghdadi announcement

Mike Hosking, from New Zealand radio station Newstalk ZB, talked to Yan St-Pierre about the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State.

Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle: The Day with Brent Goff – Interview with Yan St-Pierre

Brent Goff, Chief Anchor and host of Deutsche Welle’s News programme The Day, interviewed Yan St-Pierre on the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka.


The territorial expansion of violence in the Sahel: Strategic planning or adapting to changing economic needs?

It appears the security situation in Burkina Faso has become a good indicator of the expansion and tendencies of terrorist activities. In this post, Yan St-Pierre discusses the tactics behind a re-routing of smuggling routes in the Sahel region.