March 10, 2015

VOA News asked Yan St-Pierre: Can a Boko Haram-IS Merger Work?

March 10, 2015

Voice of America

Anne Look from Voice of America interviewed Yan St-Pierre on the impact Boko Haram’s pledge of allegiance to ISIS might have:

Terrorism analyst Yan St-Pierre says a merger of Boko Haram and IS would complement each other’s territorial goals.

“Those territorial goals go back to these very old empires,” he said.  “In ISIS’ case, that caliphate went all the way to the south of France and spread through, let us say, midway through the Sahel today and then from that point on it used to [go to] the Sokoto and Kanem-Bornu – and this is where Boko Haram comes in and covers the rest of that territory.”

To read the full article, please click on the link above. For a Spanish version, please read here: “Cómo funcionará una fusión Estado islamico-Boko Haram“.