Yan St-Pierre has been MOSECON’s CEO since its foundation in 2013 and advises various actors worldwide as a counter-terrorism consultant. He is an expert in the areas of terrorism, extremism, security policy and climate activism.

Education and training from Yan St-Pierre

Yan St-Pierre studied political science from 1997 to 2002 (with a two-year break) and graduated from the Université de Montréal in Canada with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He traveled extensively in Europe to gain practical experience in dealing with terrorism and political violence and studied in France, where he completed his Maîtrise in Political Science at the Université Paris 7-Denis Diderot in 2005, providing him with the equivalent academic degree to a Master’s. In addition to his academic education, Yan St-Pierre has made sure to keep his practical experience up-to-date during his extended stays in Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as in his home country of Canada.

Yan St-Pierre has been learning, working and advising on the subject of terrorism and political violence for over twenty-five years, always with an open mind to developing trends. This – to some seemingly unorthodox – approach to lifelong learning enables him to develop counter-terrorism strategies with optimal adaptability, flexibility and diversity, letting him compete with the speed and flexibility of terrorists and other security threats.

Since 2007, Yan St-Pierre has contributed to research projects, books and articles on security and terrorism matters with universities and think tanks, he was a research fellow with the Candid Foundation and Eastern Circles, and has enjoyed giving guest lectures at numerous universities and institutions and sharing his knowledge with partners, students and young professionals alike.

Since 2013, in addition to his role as a consultant, Yan St-Pierre has also been a welcome commentator on the topics of terrorism and security in international media, such as ARD, AFP, Al Jazeera, BBC, CBC, Deutsche Welle, France 24, The Guardian, Le Monde, RFI, New York Times, Spiegel Online and Welt.

Personal projects from Yan St-Pierre

An avid sportsman, Yan St-Pierre is a baseball, softball and triathlon coach in addition to competing in those sports. He also takes part in various charitable activities supporting women’s shelters, hospices, victims’ associations and campagins against discrimination.