March 25, 2024

Euro Leaders: Focus on security – Security expert Yan St-Pierre discusses the new book “Handbook on Access Protection in Urban Areas”

March 4th, 2024


Maxime Fournier, from the European business news portal Euro Leaders, interviewed Yan St-Pierre on his recent participation in the VfS publication “Handbuch – Zufahrtsschutz für die Praxis“.

Mr. St-Pierre, what topic do you cover in the book?

“The aim of the book is to provide an overview of the various aspects of access protection. In my chapter, I talk about the evolution of hostile vehicular attacks (HVM) and the security strategies to respond to this evolution. The core message is that the focus should not only be on terrorist attacks because of their relatively low number. As it is, vehicles are regularly used as weapons, and therefore managing this threat requires a broad assessment using data and also considering public and political perceptions. Not only terrorist attacks but also everyday crimes must be taken into account and responded to with security measures.”

To read the full interview, please follow the link in the question.