On September 28, MOSECON CEO Yan St-Pierre spoke at the Regional Delegation of the ICRC in Russia (MKKK) conference “Counter-Terrorism: Legal Challenges and Regional Approaches”. The event was co-organised by the International and Comparative Law Research Center (ICLRC) and hosted in their new facilities. Being one of the panelists discussing regional experiences with terrorism, he spoke about western European counter-terrorism measures. The panel, moderated by professor Irina Kobrinskaya, also featured Martin Ewi, who spoke about counter-terrorism in Africa; Emiliano Buis discussed CT in South America; Leonid Issaev spoke about CT in the Middle-East; and Petr Koronevsky discussed CT in the CSTO region.
Other prominent guests of the event included Brigadier-general (Ret) Kenneth Watkins, professor Andrea Bianchi, human rights lawyer Sergey Golubok, professor Natalia Sokolova and human rights activist Yuval Ginbar.
Yan St-Pierre would like to thank Ada Bykovsakya for the invitation, as well as Anastacia Kushleyko, Yulia Mogutova, Ekaterina Sorokovaya, and all of the organisers for their wonderful welcome and excellent organisation.
Watching the video below, you can brush up on your Russian (reading the subtitles) or just listen to this concise interview about terrorism with Yan St-Pierre, conducted by ICRC Russia during the event.