

Phoenix News Hong Kong: Taliban relationship with Germany

Phoenix News Hong Kong interviewed Yan St-Pierre about the Taliban’s need to establish a good relationship with Germany.

Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle: Kabul airport attack and IS-Khorasan

Deutsche Welle conducted a series of interviews with Yan St-Pierre on the Kabul airport attack and the role of IS-Khorasan in Afghanistan.


France24 The Debate: Kabul airport attack – Several killed in two explosions outside gates

France24 invited Yan St-Pierre to “The Debate”, in order to discuss the Kabul airport attack, in which dozens of people were killed.


CTC at West Point: Scoping the threat – Do African Salafi-jihadi groups threaten the West?

Yan St-Pierre joined AEI’s Katherine Zimmerman and CTC’s Jason Warner for a panel of experts examining the extent to which African Salafi-jihadi groups threaten Western interests.